
For Windows95 only. (Not Windows 98/NT*)

At this writing, Quickres seems to be only available from the Microsoft site as part of the MS Powertoys for Win95 package. Since most of the powertoys have a certain amount of usefulness, you may want to grab the whole thing (209Kb). Here is the MS Powertoy web page...

MS Powertoys at www.microsoft.com

For the Quickres component by itself (39Kb), the following FTP Search should take you to several download locations...

Quickres (quik_res.exe)

Installing it can be a little annoying. First double click on quik_res.exe. It will barf up two files - Quickres.exe and Quickres.inf. You may be able to use Quickres.exe right out of the package (that is, without installing it with Quickres.inf). You can try, it won't hurt anything. When the program starts up, it will deposit a little monitor in your tray area. Left click on it once and a menu will pop up.

If it seems that you must install it for it to work, right click on Quickres.inf and choose install or active install. This is where the tricky part is. The install script may not be able to "find" the program, so you'll have to help it along. Just fiddle with it for a bit.. it'll go.

Installing it will place a shortcut in your start-up folder so unless you want this little bad boy starting up all the time, move the shortcut to somewhere else. Also, there is no "Exit" command. The thing has no off switch. To shut it down you'll have to CTRL+ALT+DEL and choose Quickres from the menu.

* With Windows98 you can change the monitor resolution easily. Right click on the desktop and choose Properties. Choose the Settings tab and select a desktop area.

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